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Ouch that hurts! Guide to nipping

It is important to know that puppies nipping and biting is a normal behaviour. Puppies use their mouths to explore the world!

What to do if your puppy nips

Don’t be tempted to scold, shout at or even physically correct your puppy for nipping, this rarely teaches them anything other than the human is scary and you should avoid them! A lot of puppies nip because they are teething, so be sure to give them items to chew on frequently.

AVOID yelping, squealing or whatever noise you can think of! You may have heard your puppy will stop thinking they have hurt you, but usually, it just startles them into stopping the first few times. In certain dogs and breeds, it will simply motivate them to carry on more (Looking at you terriers!)

What to do if your puppy nips- Be Prepared

The more you are prepared for nipping, the easier it is to handle. My survival list to handling nipping is:

-Have a variety of toys out of reach of your puppy.

-Have a few kongs in the fridge or freezer ready.

-Have a few chews in the cupboard ready to get out.

When your puppy nips, try grabbing one of those exciting out of reach toys (Novel toys are ALWAYS better than the ones laying about all day) and take the toy and move it along the floor. A "live" moving toy is always better than hands, by moving it along the floor they will be less likely to grab your hand in excitement during tug.

If that doesn't work (or as a first port of call) see it as a sign your pup is bored or overtired so grab them a kong or chew to enjoy. This should immediately redirect them.

Prevention is better than rehearsal

Pups often nip from boredom, over excitement or teething. Redirecting in the moment is the best solution, but ideally, pups wouldn't get into the habit of using people as a toy!

Does your puppy have "legal chews"?

Pups teething NEED something to chew, it gives them relief. Giving them access to a chew regularly will help reduce the chances of them chewing you or the furniture! There are some great chews in the album in this group. Frozen kongs can be great for relief along with knotted fleece toys soaked in water and popped in the freezer too (under supervision of course)

Does your puppy nip at the same times each day?

If your pup is getting bitey and hyperactive at say 7pm every day, don't sit and wait for it to happen! Have your kong ready and give your pup it at around 6.45pm. Get them out of the routine!

Is your puppy getting enough sleep?

Puppies need around 18-20 hours a day sleep! Sleep helps them make better choices so make sure your puppy is getting sleep through the night and during the day.

Is your puppy getting too much exercise?

Yes! Puppies can get too much exercise. Young puppies really don't need much physical exercise, and higher energy activities done regularly will amp up the adrenaline and cortisol in them, making it harder for them to rest and sleep. Exercise IS good for puppies, just be sure they aren't overdoing it and aren't getting over-excited.

Is your puppy getting enough brain exercise?

Mentally tiring activities will help a puppy be more likely to sleep and keep a bit more chilled, resulting in better choices, and less nipping!

Does your pup have an outlet for playing tuggy games?

Playing tug of war is great for pups! It channels a whippets natural prey drive, gives them an outlet for biting and ragging! It will not make your puppy "dominant" or anything similar. It'll strengthen your relationship and thoroughly tire them out!

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